My Story.


 My name is Becca. 
I'm a smalltown girl from Washington, I attended Whitworth University in Spokane, and now live in the rugged, mountainous state of Utah with my studly husband of two years. I get to work in a lab, where I listen to a lot of podcasts. I frequent libraries, museums, farmer's markets, bookstores and Trader Joe's. I also take naps like a boss. I'm a Mormon. I'm a firm believer that those who can, travel. Those who can't, read. Other hobbies include making lists, running (when able), watching cheesy Netflix movies, and adventuring with the Mister. 

I studied French in college, and a phrase that stuck out to me was tout nouveau, tout beau --all new, all beautiful. This phrase is used as a way of saying that we enjoy things things that are shiny and new. I've adopted it for my blog, because I seek after all things positive and to never have the novelty wear off of simple pleasures.

So welcome to my little corner of the internet! Here, you will find my rants and ramblings about my life, which I find cathartic and helps me process experiences. I would LOVE to hear from you! 
Shoot me suggestions for books, podcasts, your faith story, or anything else at

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