Sunday, May 15, 2016

Weekend Warrior.

Sometimes you have back-to-back adventures that take you from one corner of the country to the next and you walk yourself ragged and enjoy the wonders of inner-city public trans. And sometimes you have a weekend of perfection at home with your SO. 

This weekend was that weekend. It was an ideal  weekend that reminded me why I love weekends so much. In the past few weeks we spent a few days at Disneyland and a couple days in Washington DC. It was soooo fun, but we are soooo tired.

And this week was rough. Like, fell-down-the-stairs, messed-things-up-at-work, almost-missed-my-flight-home kind of rough.  I needed this weekend to be a restful one so I could deflate from the long vacation and from the work week. So what constitutes the perfect weekend for me? Allow me to give you a rough outline:

Friday night—Date night! Vaughn and I went to grab dinner at the mall food court and watched the new Captain America movie (so good!). It wasn’t super romantic, but it was sweet time with my dude.

Saturday –The beauty of Saturday is you don’t have any time frame to stay inside. Like, I can read my scriptures for as long as I want in the morning without having to cut it short to race to work. So I woke up and did just that. Then I went for a run—which is a big deal for me, since I haven’t run in several months due to an injury. It was beautiful and sunny, but not too hot. Per-fect-oh. Then I read a bit, made breakfast for my husband, dawdled online with emails and blog stuffs. And by some miracle, I convinced Vaughn to come with me grocery shopping! Huzzah! He hates grocery shopping, but when he does go, he tries to act annoying so I don’t ever take him with me again. I think it’s cute. Mostly. That afternoon, we hung out with some of our best people. We did a picnic up at Bridal Veil Falls and played with their baby (I made him cry by trying to put sunscreen on him. Whoops). As our Saturday night tradition dictates, Vaughn and I grabbed some A&W root beer on the way home and watched some cheesy 90s movie we found on Netflix. It was a productive, yet somehow also lazy Saturday. You can't get much better than that! 

Sunday—Fun day! I adore the Sabbath. I love the opportunity to have an entire day to devote to serving and thinking of Christ. It’s refreshing and rejuvenates my spirit. As I started writing this, it started pouring rain outside, and it's one of the most calming sounds for me. Rain patters and Rob Gardner make a perfect Sabbath soundtrack. 

We also have a really fabulous ward with truly inspirational people. My church group functions as I believe all Christian church communities should: we take care of each other, we uplift one another, we don’t judge, we just genuinely love on one another, and we help each other center on Christ. I have the perfect example of this.

In my church, we have something called visiting teaching where each woman in the ward is assigned a couple of women to fellowship. The idea is that no one falls through the cracks, and each sister’s visiting teacher can be a friend and support. I’ve had the same visiting teacher for probably two years now. She is wonderful, wise, and supportive. Well, the assignments recently changed in my ward and she is no longer my teacher. She went out of her way to come up to me to say that although she’s no longer my visiting teacher, she still wants me to know she’s there if she needs anything and that she’d like to have us over for dinner sometime. I was very touched by that. And this is true of so many people in our ward! I have learned so much from them.

Although Sundays have been pretty busy for both Vaughn and I due to our callings in the church, it truly is a day of rest and rejuvenation as we are uplifted and guided by the Lord. Serving others is the best medicine for a hard week. 

Cheers to another successful weekend for the books! Good luck on your Monday! 


  1. I'm glad this weekend was such a good one for you! And for some reason, the thought of Vaughn trying to be annoying so he doesn't have to go shopping is really funny to me. :P

  2. Yay for restful weekends! Somehow I haven't had one for a very long time. Taking tome to be with loved ones and friends is always just the thing that sustains me. I get sad (and feel deprived) when I don't get that. SOO--this next weekend--with you and Vaughn will be an extra special blessing! See you soon! <3
