Hi friends!
I just wanted to give you a heads up that I have transitioned into a different site. I wanted to take time to re-orient what I want for my blog and to hone in on its purpose for me and my followers. That has materialized into another layout on another website host. You can find my new site at http://luxandflux.wordpress.com
Yes, another blog titled with foreign words. This one is Latin! Lux means "light" and flux means "flow" or "change." I think this better epitomizes my intentions in my writing. My hope is to untangle the messiness of life and its constant changes while seeing the bright side. My main intention is to edify any and all who come to stop by for a read.
In this new site, you will find more recommended podcasts, more discussions on books, more lists, more uplifting thoughts, and more frequency of posts. I hope you join me there!