What I'm Listening to
I listen to a LOT of podcasts. I would estimate I listen to probably 20 hours of podcasts a week, when I'm making solutions, weighing out samples, processing data, walking from work. If I had a dollar for every time the words "I listened to a podcast and..." came out of my mouth in any and all social situations, I could go to Disneyland every weekend. (Currently accepting any sponsors willing to support this life goal).
But I'm really picky about what I fill my head with. I avoid swearing and crude language. I like stories and stories that make me think. I don't love listening to news, but I like to stay updated. I rotate around a lot of different podcasts to keep it interesting.
In no particular order, here are a few good ones I would recommend:
Stuff You Should Know
Two guys from Atlanta talk about a topic for an hour. They're pretty level headed and really good at explaining both sides of a topic. They even take topics that sound like they should be crazy boring and make them pretty fascinating. Plus, they've been publishing podcasts twice a week for the past 9 years or so, and thus have tons and tons of podcasts out. They're my go-to ear jams.
Everyone talks about Serial. And for darn good reason. I've only listened to season one, which is about a murder convict pleading innocence. It is fascinating and really opens your eyes to the judicial dilemmas and how impossible some questions are. The second season is about Bowe Bergdahl, and sounds just as promising to deliver.
Oh man, this is the podcast that started it all. This show was produced by WNYC, and from what I can tell, all their productions are worth their weight (errrr time?) in gold. They take some old, some new, some seemingly unassuming stories and connect them in intriguing ways that has helped me stand in awe of human capacity, the beauty of the universe, and have empathy for those in vastly different circumstances than myself. Like SYSK, it has years and years of episodes to sift through to your heart's content.
Imaginary Worlds
Okay, if you didn't know, I am a pretty big nerd. I love superheroes, Star Wars, Harry Potter, Firefly, Doctor Who, Sherlock, you name it. If I'm not into it, I just haven't gotten there yet. This podcast is basically about why people love fantasy and sci-fi, and how it can say a lot about our society and act as a metaphor for our economies, world politics, and personal development. It's really, really cool. There are some episodes with swear words, but if you're listening on iTunes' podcast player, they have a little red box with a white "E" next to the title of an episode to warn you.
Myths and Legends
This is a new podcast I discovered. It's basically one guy telling the stories from folklore and fairy tales from different cultures. I love it! He tells some stories you've heard growing up that are far gorier and violent than Disney taught us, and some stories we've never heard of that are simply just messed up in our modern perspective. He has a knack for character development where ancient authors lacked, and he doesn't waste a lot of time on fight scenes (which often bore me) and he's always very tactful, even when talking about the countless illegitimate lovers of Zeus.
Suggestions? Send them my way! at rebecca.lynnash@gmail.com
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