My Faith.

I am a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. Most know us as Mormons. I grew up in a mostly non-denominational Christian, somewhat Baptist home with devoted family members with deep faith in Jesus Christ. My family taught me well the importance of Christ being the center of my faith. Since then, my relationship with Christ has led me to become baptized into the Mormon church. I felt impressed to do so after reading the Book of Mormon shortly after I graduated high school. This sacred scripture is another testament of Christ. It took me months of prayer, fasting, digging through the scriptures, and humbling for God to teach me where His true church lies. I know with certainty that God answers questions. I have not turned my back on that knowledge and have found profound happiness and undeviating peace. Christ has taken my heart and made me new. Although I always had a faith in Christ, I found the fulness of His Gospel in the LDS church. I found the answers I was seeking and continue to grow closer to God day by day, little by little. You can too. If you want to learn more, or if you'd like to share with me your story of faith, I'd love to hear from you. You can email me at
I believe each of us is loved deeply and tenderly by our Father in Heaven. I believe that His son, Jesus Christ, is my Savior and that by grace we are saved, regardless of what we do. I believe the fulness of His Gospel was restored for our day by a man named Joseph Smith in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. I believe the Book of Mormon is true. There is life-changing power in that little blue book. I believe we have a prophet on the earth today. I believe there is power in prayer and fasting and in the scriptures. And I am grateful for the Lord's outstretched hand in every second of every day.
I believe in grace, mercy, and Christ-like love. Regardless of your denomination or faith system, I believe the best way to emulate Christ and show you are a disciple of Him is to love our fellow travelers on this rugged terrain called life.
For more about my conversion story, I have written a post about it here.
I also have a profile at found here.
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